What causes heavy periods?
A change of hormonal balance
This occurs when the body’s estrogen and progesterone levels are not balanced. A change of hormonal balance is common among young women and in the time leading up to menopause.
Fibroids and polyps
Fibroids are mostly non-progressive tumours in the uterus, while polyps are incidents of endometrial overgrowth. Both can cause heavy periods and may need to be removed if they’re causing problems.
Infections of the uterus or cervix can lead to excessive blood loss and can usually be treated with antibiotics.
Bleeding deviations
Abnormalities in blood coagulation (thickening of blood for blood loss to slow or stop) are serious and treatment is necessary. If you think this is something you suffer from, speak to your doctor as soon as possible.
Many women think that having a heavy period during menopause is a part of the ageing process, but this doesn’t have to be the case.
Yes, it is a time of shifting hormones, but that doesn’t mean you have to live with heavy bleeding.
Talk to your doctor if you are worried about heavy periods.